Consultation Locations
Near D Mart, Kanchi Gachibowli Road, Nallagandla, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500019
Timing : Morning : Mon - Sat: 8.00 AM - 10.30 AM
Evening : Mon, Wed, Fri - 5.30pm - 9pm
✅ CHANDA NAGAR BRANCH : 202, 3ʳᵈ floor, Ashish MySpace,
Above khazana Jewellery, Chandanagar, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500050
Timing : Available 3 Days in a week
Evening : Tues, Thurs, Sat - 5.30pm - 9pm
Chest pain is a common symptom. It may be due to multiple reasons ranging from simple muscle pain to heart attack. Heart attack related chest pain is commonly confused with acidity-related chest discomfort. Though we cannot differentiate the two pains with 100% surety, here are some pointers that will help in predicting heart related pain and reaching out to healthcare facilities early.
The chest pain related to the heart can occur anywhere between the epigastric region (Region above the umbilicus) and the throat. The usual location will be in the central chest. Sometimes left-sided and occasionally right-sided. Usually associated with pain in the left shoulder and left arm. Sometimes it can appear as throat pain which increases while walking. Though acidity related pain also occurs in the same site the radiation of pain to the left shoulder or hand is not commonly observed.
The chest pain related to the heart may be associated with sweating, vomiting, and unusual tiredness. Another very important associated symptom is breathing difficulty while walking. Pain-related to gastric problems may be associated with vomiting but usually no breathing difficulty.
Usually, the chest pain related to blocks in heart can happen in two ways:
Pain related to gastric problems are usually aggrevated during fasting or after having spicy food. It is not related to physical activity.
If the person having chest pain has the following risk factors then the pain is more likely to be heart related than being a simple acidity as these comorbidities increase the chances of cholesterol deposits in heart vessels and heart attack.
To summarise, anyone with risk factors for heart problems should be very careful and not ignore chest pain especially when it is associated with breathing difficulty or pain increases with physical activity or when the ongoing chest pain is associated with shoulder pain or throat pain. 5 to 10% of patients may not have the classical chest pain symptoms as described above and hence it is very important to consult a doctor in case of doubt.